As we said in our blog post last week, when we take responsibility for the effect on ourselves the world around us, it makes for happier and healthier lives. Why not try a landscape resolution for a happier and healthier outdoor space?
With this in mind, we’re doing a series of blogs on New Year’s landscape resolutions to help you get past that mid-January hump when most resolutions fall by the wayside. Here is the second of three weeks of positive reinforcement and advice! Go ahead, meet those landscaping goals with some of these resources to help you stay the course of turning your resolutions into realities.
Lower your Carbon Footprint
Green-minded folks have had this one on their list of resolutions for years now, but we still need to reduce our energy consumption and lower our carbon footprint even more if we want to save our planet for future generations to enjoy. You can reduce your use of fossil fuels by switching to a manual push mower or removing your natural grass lawn and getting rid of your gas lawn mower altogether. You can also reduce the carbon emissions involved in getting food from farm, to store, to your plate, by growing your own food. You can save even more energy by opting for solar-powered pathway lights to line your walkways or by installing solar panels for your outdoor living areas. Organic lawn care and organic gardening are popular because they are better for the plants, the environment, and people. Make a commitment to make the switch to organic lawn care or switch your vegetable garden over to an organic one.
Tackle your To-Do List
When making New Year’s resolutions, there’s no better time to take on all of those yard care tasks you have been avoiding. Now is the time to make a nice, long to-do list that includes finally trimming those limbs that are looming over the corner of your house or pruning those shrubs that are encroaching on your walkway. Even seemingly small everyday tasks like weeding are easier when you can stay on top of them consistently, saving you time in the long run and making your landscaping look better. Your neighbors will appreciate this one, too.
(This is a big area we can help you with. It may seem daunting to get started, but taking that leap and getting your landscape professionally done means all you’ll have to deal with is simple maintenance, which can be a lot easier to face than starting from a wild jungle.)
Get Organized!
Let’s face it, we are less likely to want to spend time in a cluttered backyard, and we are also less likely to invite friends over if our outdoor entertaining spaces are filled with pool equipment, gardening supplies, yard maintenance tools or children’s toys. Removing the clutter and getting organized will help you create outdoor living areas where you will actually want to spend time, leading to less stress and spending quality time with family and friends, two things that are surely on your Resolution List.
(Again, also something we can help with!).
Hopefully breaking this down into smaller pieces makes it easier to face and you’re well on your way now to a dream landscape!
If you need a hand, just give us a call!