Rainy days are historically synonymous with anything indoors and are not exactly the typical time to be thinking about your landscape. But drizzly dreariness is actually downright dandy not just for planning, but maintaining and even expanding the landscaping at your home.
General maintenance calls for support of more delicate plants, which can be damaged by heavy rainfalls or strong winds. Be sure to double-check any elements of your garden or landscape that could need some attention before a storm hits either by adding in extra steaks or carefully covering the more delicate plants and flowers.
If the weather forecast is for light rain, throw some extra grass seed down. The precipitation will spark their growth and leave you with a luscious post-rain lawn. You can also give your houseplants a little treat by bringing them outside to enjoy some water and diffused sunlight direct from mother nature herself.
If it is going to be more than a light shower, it is always important to consider proper drainage and potential damage to your landscape. While this, of course, is vital to take into account when designing your dream yard, a quick check-up prior to rains can help to ensure that there aren't any weakened or damaged roots or branches that could snap, and that all drainage systems are cleared off to prevent water collecting and potentially drowning nearby plants.
Another thing that is perfect for rainy weather is daydreaming! Maybe you don't yet have the landscape of your dreams, start planning today! Perhaps you are skimming this article for possible tips and tricks thinking "I don't have a particular drainage system for my yard" or "What plants? There are some weeds by the back gate next to the strip of grass that is hard to get to. Do those count?"
Rainy weather is perfect for planning, and working out a landscape for your home that you will cherish forever.
Once the rainy weather passes, be sure to check any plants growing close to the surface for root exposure that will need to be covered up with fresh soil. Check potted plants for any signs of flooding, which would require them to be drained. You also will need to get your hands a little dirty. Plants love rain, and weeds are plants. So following a rainfall, there is always an extra bit of digging to be done to pull the freshly formed weeds from your flowerbed!
If you have a home garden, this is also a perfect opportunity to pick lettuce and mint! Both plants tend to be sweeter fresh after rainfall. So make yourself a nice salad and sit back and enjoy it with a cup of mint tea!
Don't have a garden or landscaped yard? Call us for a complimentary consultation, and we will help you turn your rainy days into perfectly planned sunshine with a beautifully landscaped home to enjoy!